Deleting reports, etc.

I apologize for asking a simple-minded question such as this, but is it possible to delete all logs, reports, events, graphs, (and so on) for a particular device/monitor, or all of them?

While setting up various monitors, I was testing with different values, and as a result got many "errors" that aren't to be considered as such under the final configuration. So, I'd like to start with a clean history (without starting from scratch).

I see where some of this data is stored (e.g. outputgraphs), but there is so much stuff in so many places, I can't be sure what is safe to remove. And I see no way to remove reports/history/etc. through the GUI.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    1. Stop the ServersCheck Monitoring service

    2. Delete following:

    data subdirectory

    all *.rrd files in the c:serverscheck_databases directory

    3. Restart the ServersCheck Monitoring service

    The graphs will be recreated

    Monitoring is about keeping history and therefore we don't allow to delete through the GUI.
  • UnregisteredUnregistered
    Thank you for the reply, although that does not remove events or graphs.

    Of course monitoring is about keeping history, but scenarios where you might want to clear history are not unimaginable.
  • UnregisteredUnregistered
    I'm all set now. Made a nice script for myself to clear pretty much everything.

    Thank you again.
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