Escalation team not informed when OK

We have an alert email group and an escalation group which receives SMS and we have each rules set to alert on status change.

The alert team receive notifications when status changes to warning or down and again when back to OK. If the rule is still at warning or down for 10 minutes the escalation team receives an SMS, however they don't recieve an SMS when it changes back to OK.

Is this normal or is something wrong? We really need the escalation team to be informed when the status changes back to OK so they don't waste their time logging in only to find the problem has passed.




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Escalation is only down on failure but not on OK.

    Your remark is a valid point and I have submitted it to our development team as an enhancement request
  • damiendamien
    Excellent - thank you.
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