PERFMON Monitoring


I am trying to set up some PERFMON monitoring. I am obviously not doin git correctly.

I am running ServersCheck under a windows account with Admin rights.

I am not using a sample counter. I am using user credentials that is the administrator on the system I want to monitor.

These are the checks I am trying:

LogicalDisk(D:)Disk Read Bytes/sec

ASP.NET v2.0.50727Requests Queued

Logical Disk(D:)Disk Bytes/sec

The checks show 0 and it marks it as down.


  • rblackinrblackin
    Issue is that I am trying to montor my web server ad I do not have it on a domain.

    So is this not going to work?
  • Dunno about that. It does work on a domain as stated. Try using a computer admin account that you can log into the box with to start both serverscheck services since you don't have a domain account.

    The check login from serverscheck might look something like.

    user: computernameadmin

    password: whatever

    Just guessing here.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The Windows account under which the ServersCheck service runs, needs to have admin access rights on the remote system.

    If that is not possible, then an option is to use a component called SNMP Informant that makes performance counters available via SNMP:
  • rblackinrblackin
    so if they are not on the same domain, if I set up a login that is identical on both, woudl that work?

    Since we do set up credentials to be used, why are those not used for perfmon checks?
  • Why don't you try what has already been posted before posting hypotheticals.
  • rblackinrblackin
    I tried setting up the same credentials on both the monitoring server and other servers.

    I even tried setting up a performance counter locally on the localhost using one of the counter examples. Still does not work.

    Error returned: "ERROR: Performance counter retrieval failed with error code: ERROR: C0000BDB - Unable to access the desired machine or service. Check the permissions and

    This is locally on localhost using a login with administrative rights.

    The other healthchecks are working.

  • If it is not on a domain, this may not work. Because the serverscheck services (on the computer with serverscheck installed) need to run on the same admin account that you will use to access the remote computer permon with. Not just the same credentials, but the same exact account. This can only be done in a shared security structure of a domain I am guessing.

    Try what administrator said about (above)

    Maybe that will get you what you need.

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