WINDOWSHEALTH Warn level cannot set 7.6.4

I just updated Serverscheck to 7.6.4

Now its impossible to set or change any warn level. After i changed and saved an existing (or new) warn level, i get values forping 3 ms, cpu 80%, mem 30% and disk 30 %

Its impossible to change this to other levels.

Down level setting works fine


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    This is a known issue in 7.6.4 and is fixed in the upcoming 7.7 release.

    In the mean time you can edit the serverscheck.conf file and update it in there.
  • bedeebedee
    all right, thanks for your quick answer!
  • Hi, I have the same problem but I do not know where I can set it in the conf file, there are so many "X".

    Could that be the problem why the check is not switch to "Warning". The memory value is 13%, DOWN is set to 10.
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