smtp alert setting w/ outgoing mail crash

I have a fresh install of 7.6.2 and am getting a page cannot be found error when testing the smtp send function, in general settings, with any outgoing mail server, local host or any other smtp server. I am not using SMTP Auth. After "the page cannot be found error" a restart of the configuration service fixes the unavailability. during the crash the monitoring site us also unavailable. The internal mail server configuration works.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The Configuration Server runs independently from the Monitoring Service. So if it fails (as per above description), then this does not affect the monitoring activity.

    Please run the Configuration Server in debug mode as outlined on following url and reply with the debug output. This should allow us to check where the issue is. If output is sent to the console window, then copy that too in your reply.
  • gmillerarmtgmillerarmt
    debug message:

    # Env:C:WINDOWS

    # Enabling HTTP Server

    # Configuration server ready, serving on port "1272"...



    Can't call method "mail" on an undefined value at line 12956.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    No other data is being sent to console or debug file? I will forward message to our development team to have a look. It appears to be a message indicating that some field was not completed.
  • gmillerarmtgmillerarmt
    This is the output from the debug.txt. sorry about forgetting that. The above output was from the console.

    # Mon Oct 8 11:05:29 2007 file test.log cleaned

    # Mon Oct 8 11:05:29 2007 file watcher.log cleaned


    # ServersCheck Configuration Server

    # PREMIUM Edition


    # Installed on - NMS-SVR


    # Loading language file: EN.lang

    # version 7.6.2



    # (c) Copyright 2003-2007 - ServersCheck BVBA





    # Mon Oct 8 11:05:30 2007 Reading conf file completed

    0: SMTP:<X><X><X>[email protected]<X>%l is %s<X>status of %l (%g) changed to %s at %t. Reason: %r<X><X><X><X><X><X><X>2<X><X>
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Are you sure you had a server defined when tested the outgoing mail server ? You first need to add one and then you can test it.
  • gmillerarmtgmillerarmt
    If you enter the smtp server value and then click the "update external mail setting" button the test now works without crashing the interface. I made the assumption that since the testing of values for monitoring rules work off of the web form values and not the saved config values, i assumed the smtp alert setting would work the same way.
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