Web site view - strange behavior


if I open the logs for a monitoring rule I become the site with the list of Warning and Down - OK.

But when I click on "Acknowledged" in the Acknowledge column it open the "Dasboard View" into the "Dashboard View".

What should the Link "Acknowledged" open?


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    By going with a mouse-over it should show an orange box with the Acknowledge data. Clicking should just refresh that page and not jump back to the dashboard view.
  • Yes, it show me a orange box with a number. But it jumb to the Dashboard as frame in frame.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    You might want to upgrade to 7.5.3 as it includes fixes for some issues that you and other users reported.
  • After the update to 7.5.3 the page are makes only a refresh - Thanks.

    BUT - Where can I see the text for the acknowledged error.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The text is a mouse over effect. Go over the link "Acknowledged" and you will see an orange box.
  • The orange box shows only a number and not my test that I have filled in as note
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