
I purchased ServersCheck through a vendor. They bought it online for me via share-it! and forwarded me the delivery information for each product. The email stated we would recieve a license via email within 48 hours. Its been a week and I haven't gotten it.

My vendor stated they never recieved a license via email either and directed me here. How should I proceed to obtain my purchased license file?

please advise, thanks


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Please contact our sales departement at

    sales [at] serverscheck [dot] com

    When purchased online then license keys are issued upon payment approval automatically.

    Have you checked with your vendor if they received the license keys? The license keys are always sent to the purchaser.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Update: our sales team did find your order put through by the vendor. License keys were shipped to vendor on Sunday July 15th at 1:08am CET. They have been forwarded to your attention.

    Hardware products have been shipped and based on tracking are scheduled for delivery this morning.
  • jbastianjbastian
    Quote: Originally posted by Administrator on 19 July 2007

    Update: our sales team did find your order put through by the vendor. License keys were shipped to vendor on Sunday July 15th at 1:08am CET. They have been forwarded to your attention.

    Hardware products have been shipped and based on tracking are scheduled for delivery this morning.

    Thank you for your quick attention. I've advised my vendor and hopefully should have resolved shortly.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Our sales team has sent the license keys again before my post.

    Did you receive it?

    If not, then make sure that our sales email address is on your systems white list and is not blocked by SPAM filters.
  • jbastianjbastian
    Quote: Originally posted by Administrator on 19 July 2007

    Our sales team has sent the license keys again before my post.

    Did you receive it?

    If not, then make sure that our sales email address is on your systems white list and is not blocked by SPAM filters.

    Yes, i just got it. We're in business-thanks for all your help!
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