MSN Message Alert


Add New Monitoring Rule Wizard - Step 5 of 5 - Assign alerts to the rule: TCP

General alert options


Rule specific options


Send a MSN Message to: [email protected]

But I dont recieve an instant message in my msn messenger from serverscheck monitoring software.

Please advise.


  • madan.serverchkmadan.serverchk
    I wanted to know if i should use the same msn account under the following as well , say [email protected]

    Configure Alert Settings


    MSN Account Settings

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    No as per online help file you need at least 2 MSN accounts: one for sending and one for receiving
  • madan.serverchkmadan.serverchk
    I used two instead of one as well but it seems to be not working.... where may I b wrong?... please advise.
  • madan.serverchkmadan.serverchk
    Ok seems to be working command line... I will see how i can set it up in the web interface.

    C:Program FilesServersCheck_Monitoringalerts>alert_msn.exe test@hotmail.

    com xxxxx [email protected] Alert_ServerISDown

    Message sent successfully.
  • madan.serverchkmadan.serverchk
    Well its seems to be working.. I apologize for the inconvenience faced by our dear administrator.
This discussion has been closed.