Scheduled Reports / Templates

After a recent upgrade to 7, I started getting three graphs per check in my report I have e-mailed once per week. Unfortunately one of the recipients has a limit to the number of attachments on his mail system so I am trying to remove the graphs. I tried copying the template.htm from the templates folder, modifying it and modifying the report under the schedules folder but no luck. Even if I modify the original template it still puts in the graphs.

Is there a way around this? I upgraded to 7.1 today but still get the same results.




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The graphs can not be customized in a report: all graphs of the selected type are sent.
  • mkirkmkirk
    Hmm; before I upgraded a few weeks ago I didn't see any graphs (which I liked). YOu mention the "graphs of the selected type" but even if I chose "All Value Graphs", I still see the sla and availability graphs. Is this as intended?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Your remark has been forwarded to our development team for further analysis. If indeed you select "All Value Graphs", then only those should be shown in the report.
  • AdministratorAdministrator

    1/ Not showing graphs in scheduled report: select any graph type (value, sla, availability) and set "graphs period" to "none".

    This will cause all graphs to be excluded

    2/ When selecting "All Value Graphs" this would also send out the SLA and Availability graphs as correctly reported.

    Issue is fixed in release 7.1.2 that is available for download
  • mkirkmkirk
    Thanks, "none" seems to work in the preview.
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