URL Check - timeout error without timeout


When I'm doing an URL check I often get an DOWN error 'The operation timed out..'

In the check definition the fields beside the german text 'Status auf DOWN setzen bei einer HTML Ladezeit von xxx ms.' are empty, so there is no timeout defined.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    There is an internal built in time out in the component if it is unable to connect. This means that it is trying to connect but the page does not load.

    This timing is different from "HTML Ladezeit" (Page download time). The latter one is the time within which a page should be downloaded.
  • stephanstephan

    What's going on when I'm setting the page download time to 'Alarm nicht ausführen' (do not alert) and leave the 'ms'-field empty?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    It will still fail on time out as it can not retrieve the page. The server does not reply so this is an error...
  • stephanstephan
    So leaving the fields empty and setting it to 'do not alert' is the same? - or what does this 'do not alert' means?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Do not alert means that it will not send any alerts upon failure.
  • stephanstephan
    Does this 'operation timeout' alerts every time the timeout happens or does it wait for the number of minimum down times (before alert) defined in the rule?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    ServersCheck always executes a rule X times as defined in the number of retries before considering DOWN and sending the alert and this regardless of the error causing a rule to fail.
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