Fail-over across VPN

I've scanned the forum but did not find an answer.....

We are about to purchase SC and want to purchase the fail-over. The fail-over machine will be located in a different city from the primary.

Can I (and if so how) set this up over a VPN or internnet connect to work?



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The fail-over option uses Netbios and WMI to communicate with the primary server.

    Typically Netbios and WMI are blocked protocols over VPN and/or Internet.
  • But technically you can run NetBIOS over TCP/IP, if I can encapsulate the WMI as well, this should work, correct?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    As long as all ports are open required for netbios and wmi then yes but it is a security risk...

    You can try it out by simply for example checking disk space from one system to the other. It uses WMI and if that works then the fail-over will work too.
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