ODBC logging

Is there a way to log only the ups and downs to the Access database. Now it records everything and all checks.



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Status changes are stored in the SERVERSCHECK table
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    I know the data is stored in the SERVERSCHECK table, but after a few months the Access file is increasing a lot in size.

    I would like to have ServersCheck to store only the UPS and DOWNS and not each check.

    Meaning: Not populating the table : SERVERSCHECK_DATA

    Is that possible ?

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    See help file. Disable the flag not storing values in the ODBC logging and it will not populate the SERVERSCHECK_DATA table
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    Okay, I see now

    When I uncheck the flag in the ODBC settings, than it does not help. I shut down serverscheck and start again. It will still popluate the SERVERSCHECK_DATA table

    Could you indicate what needs to be in the enterprise.conf file. If I am correct, in that file the ODBC settings are stored.

    My file looks like this:


    ODBC:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=C:serverscheck.mdb<X><X><X><X>

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I will need to check with development. It is possible that as of release 6 it is always filled. You can expect an answer by Monday on this.
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    I will wait till Monday. Thnks
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I had it verified. The flag is obsolete as of release 6.0 and will be removed from interface.

    If data storage is an issue in your SQL database then it is recommended to create a stored procedure purging the data that is no longer needed. Your Database Administrator should be able to help you with that.
  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    Too bad than. I wished it was still included. I am using the MS Access database

    Thanks for the prompt reply
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I am not a database expert but why not create a query in access that deletes the database.

    If I am not mistaken, then you can execute a query via command line and as such schedule it for example once a week.

  • jacobsenmjacobsenm
    I will look into that. Again thanks for support
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