Monitoring Status suggestions

We'd like to have some sort of consolidated status screen alongs the lines of,


This screen shows the monitored servers in two columns with the reponse time represented as a bar graph travelling right to left across the screen.

This is particulary useful when we have issues with WAN links. From this screen you can tell at a glance which servers/routers are down and which servers/routers have a long response time.

Any suggestions on how this can be shown using information gathered from ServersCheck would be great.



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    In the Enterprise editions, data can be stored in an ODBC database (MS SQL, Oracle, ...)

    By accessing the database you can build custom reports and reports similar to the one you sent.

  • bpITSbpITS
    Ok, we are looking at the Enterprise edition.

    Any ideas how we would go about building this as a report? Is there a sample database included in the evaluation install, or can we download one?

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Yes there is a sample database. It is located in your c: root directory and called serverscheck.mdb
  • bpITSbpITS
    Ok, found the database. How do we get the evaluation edition to populate it with some data?

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Populating the data is only available in the Enterprise edition
  • bpITSbpITS
    So is there a pre-populated sample database that we can download to try some reporting on?

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We will have one generated for you and send it to the email address linked to your forum account.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    You can download a sample populated Access database from following url:
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