ServersCheck watchdog
To anyone who cares:
Here is the vbs code for creating a watchdog for the serverscheck service running from other machine:
' WofWof - Mk 1
' Rui Martins
Public svc, command, log, teste, mail, srv
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
command = "cmd /c c:WofWofnetsvc ServersCheck apis /query > c:WofWofapis-ServersCheck.log"
log = "c:WofWofapis-ServersCheck.log"
teste = "Service is running on apis"
mail = "c:WofWofmailto -U WofWof-no-ae023029 -D [email protected] -H hermes -S ATENCAO_O_Service_ServersCheck_nao_esta_no_ar"
Dim fso, MyFile
' Carrega para ficheiro o estado da execução do netsvc
dim objWshShell
Set objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objWshShell.Run command , 1, true
WScript.Sleep 2000
' Vê o estado da execução do Netsvc
Set MyFile = fso.OpenTextFile(log, ForReading)
mquery = MyFile.ReadLine
if mquery <> teste Then
ObjWshShell.Run mail
End If
it uses the mailto.exe free utility and netsvc resource kit utility
This vbs runs as task every 6 minutes in order to check is the serverscheck service is running. It send an email if it´s not.