Errors with rule smtp -> pop3


The rule SMTP->POP3 sometimes falls. It seems to be that Serverscheck sends 2 test mails to my external mailbox at the same time.

If I do a NETSTAT command I see that Serverscheck opens two 110 ports at the same time, so the POP3 server says:

There was a problem logging onto your mail server. Your Password was rejected. Account: '', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Server Response: '-ERR [LOGIN-DELAY] minimum time between mail checks violation', Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800CCC90, Error Number: 0x800CCC92

Why it sends 2 mails? How can I do to increase the time between two requests? The program has 300 seconds between two tests (normally and also when the rule status is down), but sometimes happens the same error.




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    If you have multiple addresses in your alerts, then it will send multiple emails (they are sent as separate emails).

    The time between 2 emails can not be set within ServersCheck. You will either need to switch to an open relay server or change the settings of your mail server.
  • FrancescFrancesc
    Now I'm using another mailbox without this restriction and the rule generates too much errors again.

    The mails arrives correctly to the mailbox (SMTP is correct), but the POP3 access seems fall. The account is only accessed by ServersCheck, so no other users are accessing to the mailbox. I'm trying with 2 different servers and both falls frequently. When the rule falls, I execute a test and it always works correctly.

    What happens with this kind of rule?



    Quote: Originally posted by Administrator on 12 May 2006

    If you have multiple addresses in your alerts, then it will send multiple emails (they are sent as separate emails).

    The time between 2 emails can not be set within ServersCheck. You will either need to switch to an open relay server or change the settings of your mail server.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    "When the rule falls, I execute a test and it always works correctly." => what is the error message returned?
  • FrancescFrancesc
    When I say "a test" I mean the rule test (in the rule edit page). The error returned is that 200 seconds has passed and the mail has not been received.

    But the mail is in the mailbox, so the problem is with the POP3.

    The rule falls 4 of every 10 times it is executed.

    Quote: Originally posted by Administrator on 15 May 2006

    "When the rule falls, I execute a test and it always works correctly." => what is the error message returned?

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    A mail has a unique identifier when being sent through SMTP (stored in a file in the agents folder) for the SMTP POP3 check

    Have you verified if that unique identifier is in the mail box when you state that the mail is there?

    If so can you give an example of the unique ID and the email?
  • FrancescFrancesc
    Hello again,

    Yes, an example of the identifier is 1147758126 and in the body Test email generated by ServersCheck - .

    I think that the SMTP part of the rule is correct. Inmediatenly as the rule is executed, the mail arrives to the mailbox, but after this, the POP3 seems not to work properly. It falls 3 of every 10 executions aprox.

    The error reported is: Message took more than 122 seconds and still not received.

    When I go inside the MONITORING RULE EDIT and I check the button TEST SETTINGS, it always works but when the rule executes automatically, it falls frequently.

    As I thought that the problem was with the mail server, I decided to configure another different, but the result is the same, ServersCheck generates false alerts and this rule is one of the most important for us.


    Francesc Gallardo

    Quote: Originally posted by Administrator on 15 May 2006

    A mail has a unique identifier when being sent through SMTP (stored in a file in the agents folder) for the SMTP POP3 check

    Have you verified if that unique identifier is in the mail box when you state that the mail is there?

    If so can you give an example of the unique ID and the email?

    Test email generated by ServersCheck -
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I will pass this on to development and ask them to build a debug version so that we know which unique identifier triggered the error and what emails it found in the mailbox.

    Please note that this will take some time as this is a development effort on our side.
  • FrancescFrancesc

    We'll be waiting for your answer.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    Please can I second this request?

    I have exactly the same issue with SC as Francesc, I have 15 smtp -> pop3 rules and they are unusable. I find they run fine for a while then hang, the only way to get them running again is to reboot the monitoring server (!).

    The SC mail is getting to the pop3 account.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    A test build has been made with additional debugging information. For the sake of data being collected, only let the SMTPPOP3 rule run.

    To run in debug mode, follow these instructions:

    Here is how the SMTPPOP3 rule works:

    1/ It needs to have a dedicated mailbox where no other mail arrives to

    2/ It sends an email and then scans the mailbox for new incoming messages until the timeout setting has arrived

    You can download the test build from following url:

    A 6.4.0 license key is required in order to use this debug build. If you are using an older version, then login into our helpdesk at in order to obtain a new key.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    From the debugging log that Francesc sent, it appears that a login to the POP3 account is not possible:

    POP3 - Failed to login with credentials:

    # 4 Fri May 19 18:19:35 2006 message found:0

    # 4 Fri May 19 18:19:35 2006 Trying to retrieve email

    If ServersCheck can not login to the mailbox, then it can not verify if a mail arrived.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    What I am finding backs up Francesc's results. From my Domino logs, it appears:

    ServersCheck is not terminating correctly, thus locking the pop3 account or trying to open it twice (which it can't).

    Hope this helps.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    ServersCheck closes the connection when a login can be made.

    Some mail servers do not allow for frequent logins within X time (depending on their setting).
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    Domino conforms to RFC 1939 for pop3, or in other words - it is not that clever!

    It seems a hung serverscheck job is holding open the pop3 mail box and then a second instance can't open it.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Can you clarify this:

    "It seems a hung serverscheck job is holding open the pop3 mail box and then a second instance can't open it."

    I checked with a developer and a close command is sent when all the emails have been scanned
  • FrancescFrancesc

    As the Administrator says, we've detected that the pop3 server that we were using has a restriction that dowsn't allow to login more than a number of times per hour, so when ServersCheck try to execute the rule it falls until the counter resets.

    Now we're using another mail server and it always works.

    Thank you very much!!


    Quote: Originally posted by Administrator on 23 May 2006

    Can you clarify this:

    "It seems a hung serverscheck job is holding open the pop3 mail box and then a second instance can't open it."

    I checked with a developer and a close command is sent when all the emails have been scanned

  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]

    As I manage > 100 mail servers spread over the world, what I did was to get Domino to drop idle pop3 sessions after 1 minute.

    The main reason I wanted this rule was for measuring latency. i.e. how long it takes to get a message from the internet to the users server.

    Thanks for everyones help.
  • AdministratorAdministrator

    what is being logged in your debug file regarding the SMTPPOP3 rule?
  • FrancescFrancesc
    The debug file shows that the program is not able to login for download the mails continuously when the maxium number of connections per hour are reached.

    Talk with your mail provider to know if this restrition is being applied to your mailbox.



    Quote: Originally posted by Administrator on 25 May 2006


    what is being logged in your debug file regarding the SMTPPOP3 rule?

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