Email Alerts

I try to configure all types of Email Alerts,

still not alerts received. 0 at all.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    edited December 2017
    We assume that you have NO anti-virus software running. Such software typically can block the sending of emails by applications.

    Run the software in debug mode then trigger an alert via web server. Reply with the contents of the generated debug files.

    You will need to run the webserver and alerting modules in debug mode.

    A/ Alerting Module in debug mode:
    1. Stop the ServersCheck Monitoring service via the services.msc
    2. Open the windows command prompt with Administrator privileges
    3. In the command prompt, CD to your ServersCheck directory
    4. Run following command:
    s-alerts.exe > alerts.txt

    B/ Web Server Module in debug mode:
    1. Stop the ServersCheck Webserver service via the services.msc
    2. Open the windows command prompt with Administrator privileges
    3. In the command prompt, CD to your ServersCheck directory
    4. Run following command:
    s-server.exe > web.txt

    When A and B are done then do this:
    1. Do the test while the debug modes are running: in this case trigger a test sending of an email alert via the web server
    2. Let it run for a minute and then reply with the content of the alerts.txt and web.txt files that were generated.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Closed - no update from user
This discussion has been closed.