Water/Flooding Sensor

To whom it may concern:

My name is Jonathan Lacovara, I work in the IT department at St. Francis College in Brooklyn, NY. We have purchased two of your products back in December of 2015, the Temperature Sensor Gateway and the Water/Flooding Sensor. We have installed both of these products in one of our network closets because that closet has had a water leak issue in the past. However, I am having trouble setting up the alerts for the flooding sensor. I have been using the IFT Alerts, which work fine for the temperature sensor, however I receive no alerts for the flooding sensor. I have it set up to alert us when the value reaches higher than 0. When testing the sensor I receive no alert whatsoever. I want to know if there is something I am doing wrong or if this is an issue other people have been having. Please get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Hi jonathan,

    thank you for your report , what you have configured is correct and I have passed the issue on to our Cloud support.
  • jlacovarajlacovara
    Thank you for responding. Just a quick question, how long is this process going to take because we are very eager to get this working to see if we want to buy more of your products?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    It has been escalated to our cloud development team. A task was created in their system. We will update you once we have news from them.
  • jlacovarajlacovara
    Excellent thank you.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Hi jlacovara,

    Please check your cloud as this has been resolved, Our cloud team separated the condition for water and flooding please choose flooding instead of water as the parameter for IFT.
  • jlacovarajlacovara
    Hi Administrator,

    I have tested the issue and it worked. Thank you very much for the fix.
This discussion has been closed.