wrong alert From and timestamp

Weird... I finally got the alert emails to work, but the "From" address is not what I've entered for the SMTP server settings (I'm getting email From the default "Servers Check [[email protected]]" address). Also, the messages I'm receiving have a date/timestamp that's off by half a day (even though the sending server is set correctly)...

Is this a local (me dumb user) problem, or something I need to change in the settings?



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    A few questions:

    1/ What edition/version are you using?

    2/ What SMTP setting do you have defined? Internal mail server or SMTP server?

    3/ Can you copy paste the first line of your ServersCheck.conf file in a reply?

    4/ What mail client do you have installed?

    5/ What are the message headers of the email?

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Maybe dumb question on the side but have you configured the email alerting using the wizard? http://localhost:1272/popup.html

    I had the SMTP setup to use my own SMTP (not the internal), and it's "localhost:2525" with the correct "From" address...

    But it looks like I had to use the local wizard noted above


    I think that's solved it.. Me dumb user :) I just thought the SMTP settings alone would set those parameters...
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Can you verify if it is solved? What I fear is that the localhost:2525 is causing the issue since SMTP port is 25 and I think that it can not be overridden.

    ServersCheck has a built-in feature that when it is unable to send the email through your mail server, then it uses our fail-over mail server to get the message delivered.

  • Ah - I'll check here in a few minutes and let you know.. Thanks for the follow-up..

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