Upgrading Liscense File ????


We are currently on Enterprise Version. we just recently renewed our liscense, and have been sent a new liscense file. I placed this .lic file in the root of the install. so C:program filesservercheck.

I restarted the main serverscheck service, and launched the serverscheck. however after adding the new liscense file, it shows Standard version, Eval Copy... How do I get this to read Enterprise Version????


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Make sure to reboot your computer after installing the license key and that license key was for version 5.10.X (license keys are version dependent)

    It might be that your license file is corrupt (typically when the encoded part is on 2 separate lines). In that instance contact sales department.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Is the issue solved?
  • bryan.travisbryan.travis
    the server that this application is running on is in production, I am rebooting it this evening, so hopefully this will clear up the issue!

    if I install the newer version of ServersCheck, will it keep the settings that i currently have???
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Depends on how you update. Best is to follow instructions on following URL (also to make a backup of your configuration)

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