I.E. Action Canceled error

Every time I update a rule or click on View all rule, I receive an Internet Explorer error saying "Action Canceled. I.E. was unable to link to the web page you requested." It takes 1 or 2 seconds and than shows the normal serverscheck screen. Also, when I click on the down arrow in each column, the same error comes up and throw me back to the main screen as before.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Have you emptied cache of your browser?
  • LuckyLucky
    Yes, I deleted temp files from I.E. and same results.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Have you tried to restart the configuration server?
  • LuckyLucky
    Yes. Actual, it wasn't running and I started it and no difference. One more info: if I click on start on the menu (1st tab), I also get the error. Almost every thing I do that resets the screen generate the error.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Can you start the s-server from the command prompt and then send me the output of it once you get the error.
  • LuckyLucky
    Here is the error:



    # ServersCheck Configuration Server

    # PROFESSIONAL Edition


    # Loading language file: PT.lang

    # version 5.9.0


    # (c) Copyright 2003-2005 - ServersCheck BVBA

    # www.ServersCheck.com

    # Configuration server ready, serving on port "1272"...


    # Write error on connection from Unknown error

    One important info: This error only occurs locally, not remotely. The entry is present in the Host file as localhost.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    From what it seems the server is unable to connect to the client (IE) to send the response.

    Have you tried connecting through its computername or IP address (rather than doing http://localhost:1272)?
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