Multiple msn messages

Can serverscheck alert to more then 1 msn account? If so, is this limited in the trial version? After adding a second person to a team, there is only still one person receiving an alert via msn. Using 5.8.2.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Normally this is not limited to one person if you use teams and if team alerting has been enabled for the rule. What do you get in your alert logfile? (alertlogging subdirectory)
  • GregoryGregory
    Wed Mar 16 19:49:05 2005 FTPSERVER MySQL is DOWN -> Sending SMTP alert to [email protected] through internal mail server. Returned: [email protected] Mail process succeeded

    Wed Mar 16 19:49:05 2005 FTPSERVER MySQL is DOWN -> Executing MSN alert to [email protected]

    Wed Mar 16 19:49:06 2005 FTPSERVER MySQL is DOWN -> Sending SMTP alert to jo[email protected] through internal mail server. Returned: jo[email protected] Mail process succeeded

    Wed Mar 16 19:49:06 2005 FTPSERVER MySQL is DOWN -> Executing MSN alert to [email protected]

    Both persons received the e-mail, but only [email protected] received the MSN message. If I was the only person in that team, I got it.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Are both recipients [email protected] and [email protected] on the allowed list of the sender's MSN account?

    If the both users are on the allowed list, could you then try following and copy the output:

    run the MSN job via command line as follows:

    alert_msn <senderaccount> <senderpassword> <[email protected]> <message>
  • GregoryGregory
    alert_msn.exe works for both, i also added a new check, and we both got the msn message now too.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    So is the issue resolved then?
  • GregoryGregory
    Well i thought so, but not quite, I added 6 users in the team, 1 of them receive did not get the msn alert. Everybody added the msn user to their list. When i send a manual message with alerts_msn.exe the one that didn't get it automaticly, he does receive this.

    The log says it was sent to everybody.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Is the non-receiving one the first in the log list (like in the previous case)? I am trying to nail down the issue so that we can simulate it in our test environment.


    Forum Administrator
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