Export serverscheck data mySQL


Is it possible to export all the servercheck data to an external mySQL database as a backup or for the use of a website to use the collected data?

And if this is possible, what files should I use to put in the database.



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    ServersCheck Enterprise Editions support ODBC logging of data and with the mySQL ODBC connector you can store data in your mySQL database.
  • RemieRemie
    We have the "Serverscheck Professional 5.7.5" edition. So it is'nt possible to export the data with this version (sorry I did'nt mentioned the version before).

    Hmm maybe we should upgrade then. Is it only possible with ODBC? Our webserver uses LAMP software.

    Thanks for the reply.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    You need the Enterprise edition for this and ODBC is the only option.

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