Getting results back from an ODBCSQL chec


I have an ODBCSQL check where the sql statement that runs does a count of the number of transactions for the current month. I would like to see this count value in the Value column. However, nothing seems to be displayed in the Value column of the main page or the HTML reports for ODBCSQL rules.

How can i get this value displayed ?



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Dear Pat,

    I passed it on to development and I am waiting for their answer (they are looking into it).

    I will post an update as soon as I have it.


    Forum Administrator
  • hickihicki
    hi, same problem for me, any solution?

    Testing Settings


    The check has been performed.

    Status: OK

    Error returned:

    Value returned:


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    This feature is only available to enterprise users.
  • hickihicki
    so we could not test this feature because the download 15day trial version is not an enterprise version?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Correct. I have sent your comment to development who might include it in a future release.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Correction on previous Administrator replies:

    ServersCheck only returns the value when the value is numeric.

    Non-numeric values are not shown

    The purpose of this check is for example to count the number of rows in a table (to see if an ecommerce server is still running etc...) or to check a numeric field value.
This discussion has been closed.