"complete" list of values for sensor?Name.0 and corresponding interpretation of sensor?Value.0
hi. i'm trying to write a small SNMP application that lists the sensors on the gateway along with the type and value.
what i haven't been able to find is a list with information like "if the Name is 'Sound Meter', then the value is in decibels.
also, i'm a bit confused in that the mib module lists five sensors, but adding a sensor hub makes it possible to have 8 sensors. what's the story on that?
many thanks!
what i haven't been able to find is a list with information like "if the Name is 'Sound Meter', then the value is in decibels.
also, i'm a bit confused in that the mib module lists five sensors, but adding a sensor hub makes it possible to have 8 sensors. what's the story on that?
many thanks!
you might want to check our user manual w/c can be downloaded from our site and look for the topic xml output.
for sensor1Name.0, sensor2Name.0, and so on,what are is the complete list of possible values. based on the sensors i've purchased, i know that some of the values are 'Int. Temp', 'Ext. Temp, 'Airflow', 'Sound Meter', 'Humidity', and 'Water Detect'.
what other values are possible?
thank you!
'' sensor3Name.0 Sound Meter
'' sensor3Value.0 noise '48.93'
so, given your comment above, is this a "good value" or not? thanks!
based on the hardware sitting in my machine room, i know this much already:
'' sensor1Name.0 Int. Temp
'' sensor1Value.0 temperature celcius
'' sensor2Name.0 Airflow
'' sensor2Value.0 airflow m/s
'' sensor3Name.0 Sound Meter
'' sensor3Value.0 noise db
'' sensor4Name.0 Humidity
'' sensor4Value.0 humidity RH%
so that leaves us with power failure, vibration/shock, door contact, dry contact, i/o sensor probe, air quality, and leak. hardly a big list.
Request has been passed on to development to provide the default sensor names for power failure, vibration/shock, door contact, dry contact, i/o sensor probe, air quality, and water leak
here are the default names of the sensors you requested
power failure = PowerFail
vibration/shock = Shock
door contact/ security probe = Security
leak / flooding = Flooding
Dry Contact and I/O probe = UndefinedIO
though you can change them to whatever value you would like as with dry contact you would have a bunch of UndefinedIO values might as well place numbers on them like UndefinedIO 1 , UndefinedIO 2 and so on..
you can rename the default values by accesing the gateway and changing the value under the name tab.