Mail problem alert with sensor

I have a SC-TS01 hardware version 2.0 with firmware 1.3.
I have problems cause after some days the device is powered on, the sensor don't send email alert anymore.
if I reboot it, it restart to work correctly.

1) is there a way to workaround my alert mail problem?
1) is the firmware I use the lastest I can upload to the device?
2) is there a way to alert me by sms? I see that is possible only with firmware 2.0 and above..

Thank you for a kind reply


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    1. the device might be acting up already as email can only be configured through the gateway gui and there is no alternate configuration.

    2. the latest firmware for our gateway is 6.0 for hardware version 5 and 5.2 for the mobile sensor gateway however as you have an older model hardware version 2 the firmwares available might be incompatible for your device,

    3. it is only available with firmware 2.0 and above

    overall i suggest you replace your unit with one of our newer versions as to also have additional features (sms/cloud/voice call)
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