Maximum distance between the Sensorgateway and Wireless hub?

The maximum distance between the wireless sensor and wireless hub is 60ft or 20m.

I cannot find where is specifies the maximum distance between the Sensorgateway and Wireless hub?

I would like a longer cable between the SensoGateway and Wireless hub (hoping upto 20m :) to give a greater overall distance from the Sensorgateway.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The maximum distance between the wireless hub and the sensorgateway is 10m
  • castestboscocastestbosco
    Can I extend the wireless range (wireless covered area) by connecting one Wireless Hub to another Wireless Hub?

    Wireless Hub 1 ---- wireless (20m) ---- Wireless Hub 2 ---- wireless (20m) ---- wireless sensor
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    it is not possible to connect two wireless hubs together, the only device that can connect to a wireless hub are wireless sensors, As for the range it is fixed at the moment.
  • castestboscocastestbosco
    How about connecting sensorhub and wireless hub together?
    SensorGateway ---- SensorHub ---- Wireless Hub ---- wireless (20m) ---- wireless sensors
    so that only one SensorGateway is needed while the controlling and wireless sensors can be used.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    You can't combine a Sensorhub with a wireless hub.

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