Max number of sensors in one cloud accoun

edited September 2014 in Monitoring Cloud Platform
please can you confirm the maximum number of devices you can monitor under one account

I have 15 and any new one I try to enter stays offline.

If I create a new account and attach the unit tot he cloud it works.


  • i am now also getting this error

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:WebsitesIOT_Viewerdevice.php on line 39

    on both the website and ios login
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We have passed it on to development to look into it.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    We have checked with several accounts running hundreds of sensors and none of them are experiencing it.

    We don't know your specific account details so we can't test it with your account
  • eupmint

    i have managed to get another device added so it was the other 2 devices that have a fault. they added to another account then stopped responding.

    please can you fix the account and remove the error

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    After 2 missed updates from the SensorGateway (10 minutes), the sensor is considered to be offline. Each update is sent every 5 minutes. With this, check first on your logs if your units are indeed able to communicate with our Cloud Platform.

    On searching your logs, the Cloud Platform is the only one that the SensorGateway is communicating to on HTTPS.
  • is it possible to remove the error

    Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in C:WebsitesIOT_Viewerdevice.php on line 39

    from EUPMINT account


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