Status: Offline

edited July 2014 in Monitoring Cloud Platform
today all my sensor went offline on the myinf website and the ios app.

i had just added another 4 sensors but they were all online after this action.

if you click on them they say they are offline but the time stamp shows it was connected within minutes of me looking so i know they are all working.

all sensors are on v4 and there are now 14 in the group.

if there a maximum number of sensors?

why are they offline when they are not off line?


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    what is the time stamp of the last data update for 4 sensors?
  • expdexpd
    Anything from 19:17 to 19:21

    Only 4 sensors have older times and this is because they are really offline waiting to be shipped to site

  • expdexpd
    Status: lost

    Device ID: 5343fbccdde80

    Device Created: 08/04/2014 14:38:20

    Last Update: 07/07/2014 19:33:01
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    can you provide a read only access to one device because the 19:17 being offline is normal - it should report its status every 5 minutes
  • expdexpd
    Please provide an email address and I will send it
  • expdexpd
    Looks like the sites down now
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    you can email it to support if you have a support contract, otherwise please post it here.
  • expdexpd
    I have just purchased 10 of the gateways so I have 10 available tickets

    This makes 50 devices I have so far

    Please provide an email address
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    No it does not work that way. Not sure where you found that you had 10 available tickets.

    It works the same as with Amazon Web Services. Community forum is free of charge (next to the free cloud platform that we provide). For commercial support we do offer different options for a fee.

    for more info regarding our support programs
  • expdexpd

    Sorry I thought this was part of the bronze help

    here is the info i see

    Device ID: 5343fbccxxx

    Device Created - 08/04/2014 14:38:20

    Last Update - 07/07/2014 20:33:13

    heres the link

    (data scrambled by admin)
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I got a note from our cloud team that they identified an issue and are working on it.

    The cloud platform is not covered by the bronze support. Bronze support is good for 30 days following purchase, when ordered direct from us. It covers setup & configuration of the device, not of other applications (monitoring software, cloud). I apologize if that was unclear.
  • expdexpd
    no problem support from your team is great and the ticketing system very unclear

    i will delete the link to the sensor


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    It is less complicated than it sounds: a support ticket is always submitted through your order page.

    If you did not purchase direct from us but through a 3rd party, then you have to request that party to submit the support request on your behalf. From our perspective they are our customer. In such cases we often don't know who the end-user is. It happens on a regular basis that a purchase for a company goes through more than 3 different resellers.

    I hope this clarifies it.

    The community forum is supported and response time depends workload for our customers who paid for support. We try to provide a turn-around in 3 business days for the forum (or faster like today)

This discussion has been closed.