SNTP problems
I have two sensors I am unable to connect to the time sync via SNTP. The sensors are checking out ok when I go to the ip address of the sensor.
This a sensor gateway with built in Temp sensors. I have two monitors a PING which is working. the two sensors are always showing Halted. Any suggestions. My firewall is open to all our subnets for the IP address range of the sensors.
I have two sensors I am unable to connect to the time sync via SNTP. The sensors are checking out ok when I go to the ip address of the sensor.
This a sensor gateway with built in Temp sensors. I have two monitors a PING which is working. the two sensors are always showing Halted. Any suggestions. My firewall is open to all our subnets for the IP address range of the sensors.
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What do you mean by they show halted? Please attach a screenshot for that.
Lastly, make sure port 123 is open on your firewall. If yes, I advise doing a packet capture upon an attempt to sync.
I am not finding any software license purchased. Kindly note that we don't provide support for the free edition of the software