Performance Check

[Deleted User][Deleted User]

I have a server running in a workgroup.
I can check this server's cpu or memory using;
"CPU: tracks the CPU usage and generates an alert when exceeding a treshold"
"MEMORY: monitors the available memory"

But I can not get these values using ;
"PERFCOUNT: allows you to monitor on values from performance counters on a remote Windows computer"
I can not get any value from this computer by using performance check option.
What may be the problem?



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    You need to make sure that the performance counters are enabled on the target host.

    The AutoDiscovery/AutoPurge (ADAP) process is responsible for collecting and

    maintaining performance counter objects in WMI that are registered on the


    The ADAP process starts when the WinMgmt service is started or when you install

    or uninstall the performance libraries, which contain the performance counters,

    by using either the Lodctr or Unlodctr utilities.


    Forum Administrator
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