Is there anyway to include what sensor is tripped in the email alerts? ie Temp or power etc...
The name of the sensor is included but not the type
In my case I'm using temp, power and dry contact on the same sensor so the email doesn't indicate which one generated the alert. Was hoping that there is some way to indicate this in the email.
Example of message sent:
Message generated by ServersCheck on 29/09/2012:06:39 at SensorGateway (Data Center )
Onboard Temp :Built-in Temp : DOWN (25.88)
where it shows the name of the sensor defined in the SensorGateway (column Name in Sensor Status page)
When I added the dry contact sensor it stopped sending the sensor that generated the alert. Just get the message.
Message generated by ServersCheck on 01/10/2012 at 13:50
When I remove the dry contact sensor, it works fine again.
Firmware is 2.08
Ok thanks for pointing this out - we are looking into it
Please upgrade to firmware 2.10 which addresses the issue with empty alerts when using the Dry Contact unit
I tried both 2.10 and 2.11 and still have the same problem. No email details as long as the dry contact sensor is plugged in. If I remove it it works fine.
we will pass it on to development
Any update on this?
It is still being investigated
Still experiencing this problem. Any updates?
I am getting an update for you now, I will update shortly.
We just recently tested this out and found no problems with it. For the email alert settings, please refer to our documentations at
I just tested this on another unit and was able to duplicate it. I was misled by the dry contact sensor. The problem occurs when there are more than two sensors. Example Internal Temp, External Power and External Temp. With 3 I loose the email detail. Go back to 2 and it's fine.
Message generated by ServersCheck on 29/09/2012:06:39 at SensorGateway (Data Center )
Onboard Temp :Built-in Temp : DOWN (25.88)
where it shows the name of the sensor defined in the SensorGateway (column Name in Sensor Status page)
Message generated by ServersCheck on 01/10/2012 at 13:50
When I remove the dry contact sensor, it works fine again.
Firmware is 2.08
I am getting an update for you now, I will update shortly.