Cannot access Temp Gateway after reset
I have tried to factory reset a Temperature Sensor and Gateway using the procedure described with the reset button over a PoE connection.
Since then, when I connect the device to the LAN, I cannot reach it at the default IP address.
The two green and yellow leds on the Ethernet port are blinking and both the Online (yellow) and sensor (green) leds on the top of the device are off.
How can I have it to connect to the LAN again?
Thanks and regads,
Since then, when I connect the device to the LAN, I cannot reach it at the default IP address.
The two green and yellow leds on the Ethernet port are blinking and both the Online (yellow) and sensor (green) leds on the top of the device are off.
How can I have it to connect to the LAN again?
Thanks and regads,
This discussion has been closed.
It looks to me like you did a firmware update using the incorrect firmware corrupting the memory.
We are looking into this and we will get back with you shortly. We appreciate your patience on this.
A possible work-around, to get it back to working condition, is to figure out the actual IP that it has been reset to.
You could ping the net bios name of the device.
=> open a cmd window, on a computer connected to same network segment, and type:
(this is the default name given to the device)
the outcome should be something like:
Pinging SENSORGATEWAY01 [] with 32 bytes of d
Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=100
(NOTE: the above example is the IP of my current setting, just as an example)
Now you have the actual IP currently assigned . Just try if this helps.
Can you try to do a reset as follows:
1) Power off
2) Push RESET pin in and keep it
3) Power on SensorGateway while RESET still pushed
4) Within 3 seconds the lights on top of the unit should be flashing simultaneously
If 4) is the case then it should be
We are working on a fix right now, as soon as I have a fix I will let you know.
Thank You!
Thank you - jim
Yes it will. If everyone could also tell me if htey were using straight POE or power or they mixed it, I would appreciate it.
All my gateways are connected via POE.
Giving a shot at the fixed IP
Since the firmware update page alerts us to be sure to change the MAC after an update I assume this is a known issue.
The newer firmware was the key but only the factory could get past the looping issue. You have to have a connected net from the device before you can have the dup mac issue!
What are the next steps? I'd like to wrap this up asap (and my boss would like it done even sooner than that).