Cannot access Temp Gateway after reset

edited June 2011 in InfraSensing Sensors
I have tried to factory reset a Temperature Sensor and Gateway using the procedure described with the reset button over a PoE connection.

Since then, when I connect the device to the LAN, I cannot reach it at the default IP address.

The two green and yellow leds on the Ethernet port are blinking and both the Online (yellow) and sensor (green) leds on the top of the device are off.

How can I have it to connect to the LAN again?

Thanks and regads,



  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Did you do a reset as described or did you do a firmware update?

    It looks to me like you did a firmware update using the incorrect firmware corrupting the memory.
  • tanakmottanakmot
    Yes I-m sure I did not upgrade the device, Only reset it using the black reset button on the side.
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    I'm in the same boat - with a brand new gateway that already has v3 loaded. I had the wrong IP initially configured and then tried to do a factory reset per the doc and now the ethernet doesn't connect (just flashes both NIC connector LEDs about once every two seconds). The LEDs on the gateway are both on solid (with the temp/humid sensor attached).
  • AdministratorAdministrator

    We are looking into this and we will get back with you shortly. We appreciate your patience on this.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    It seems the IP is reset to another value. This is indeed a bit annoying.

    A possible work-around, to get it back to working condition, is to figure out the actual IP that it has been reset to.

    You could ping the net bios name of the device.

    => open a cmd window, on a computer connected to same network segment, and type:


    (this is the default name given to the device)

    the outcome should be something like:

    Pinging SENSORGATEWAY01 [] with 32 bytes of d

    Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=100


    (NOTE: the above example is the IP of my current setting, just as an example)

    Now you have the actual IP currently assigned . Just try if this helps.
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    That might be a solution but first the Ethernet interface has to stay connected. From what I'm seeing the "factory reset" option isn't fully restarting the ethernet driver in a clean way. Thus, no connection to the switch yet to try and discover what the new IP might be. Sounds like a firmware issue with the reset process.
  • AdministratorAdministrator

    Can you try to do a reset as follows:

    1) Power off

    2) Push RESET pin in and keep it

    3) Power on SensorGateway while RESET still pushed

    4) Within 3 seconds the lights on top of the unit should be flashing simultaneously

    If 4) is the case then it should be
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    Nada. After letting go of the reset pin, the online LED blinks rapidly and the sensor light stays on solid. A few seconds later both LEDs blink and both stay on solid. The LEDs on the ethernet interface both are blinking as before - about once every two seconds. No link is established to the switch.
  • AdministratorAdministrator

    We are working on a fix right now, as soon as I have a fix I will let you know.
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    Any news or should my DOA unit be RMA'd back?

    Thank You!
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    Updates please. If this isn't fixable in the field can I please get an RMA number and get this unit replaced?

    Thank you - jim
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    I will be sending out RMA information to each of you today. We have a fix, but they do have to come back to our repair facility and we can fix them there and return them. Please watch your email for your RMA information.
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    Will future hardware/firmware be fixed so that resets work? I'm contemplating additional purchases soon.
  • AdministratorAdministrator

    Yes it will. If everyone could also tell me if htey were using straight POE or power or they mixed it, I would appreciate it.
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    I'm using the power adapter - on both my units. We use POE switches only for our VoIP phones (those ports come at a higher $ premium).
  • tanakmottanakmot
    Sorry, I was on holiday.

    All my gateways are connected via POE.

    Giving a shot at the fixed IP
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    I have been running into the same problem. What I determined is that on reset, the sensors revert to a different MAC address. Different from what it was, but the same address is used for multiple sensors. This was causing a problem with the network where multiple devices reporting the same MAC were asking for IP addresses confusing the switch. In my environment, I use reservations, further compounding the issue. I put in a help request earlier today asking if this is an ongoing problem or i it will be fixed at some point. Seems silly to me - all MACs should be unique. Having to set them manually sucks.

    Since the firmware update page alerts us to be sure to change the MAC after an update I assume this is a known issue.
  • jdavis-dcjdavis-dc
    I think that is yet a different problem. The RMA swap was the only way to get my hw_v3 unit fixed. For troubleshooting used a switch on my desk to talk to the unit directly with my laptop. With the 1.3 firmware, the unit would not stay connected to the switch - it just seemed to cycle/loop through something that almost had it connect but it wouldn't stay. Basically dead from a factory reset.

    The newer firmware was the key but only the factory could get past the looping issue. You have to have a connected net from the device before you can have the dup mac issue!
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    I see... it looks like I'm having the same issue. I reset 20 sensors and 4 of them seems to be caught in a loop. When I add power, the lights flash for a few seconds and then go dark. But if I add a network cable, the NIC still lights up. And I still can't ping the device. I'm looking for how to console in to see if I can reset the device that way.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    rmccarley - did you try to reset those 4 units again as per procedure in the user manual?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    Yes. And by looking through the forum here, I also tried pushing restart before applying power and holding for 10 seconds after. What is happening is they spin up, lights flashing and then both lights go dark. If I plug in a network cable, the NIC lights up, but the LEDs stay dark. Is there a way for me to console in to see if I can fix this or do I need to RMA them? I also have one with a bad NIC (no click when I put the cable in and it doesn't register the network cable being there) that I assume should RMA.

    What are the next steps? I'd like to wrap this up asap (and my boss would like it done even sooner than that).
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    rmccarley - an engineer will contact you on the email address you are registered under for RMA instructions
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    I have not yet received an email and it's been days. When can I expect it?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    rmccarley, can you confirm you received the RMA email with the RMA number?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    I did, thank you.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    I have RMAed 5 sensors and the RMA page shows that you received them. I have an additional sensor that is stuck in start-up and was wondering if there is something I can do about it locally without having to ship it back and forth. Also, it would be cool if I could get more detail on what is happening with the sensors I sent back. Are they being investigated? Has it been figured out? Was it a stupid new user issue or something else? Is it something I can address on this side?
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