file check not working?


i'm trying to add the file check by adding the servershare and when i try to test it, it gives me a status.

now when i add the check the check counter stays on 0 as if the check aint being executed.



  • AdministratorAdministrator

    We are taking a look at this now. What version of the software are you currently using?
  • hmcollegehmcollege

    we are using 8.2.2

    i tried to create the check on several servers, with different settings but still no go.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Please pause all monitors except the file check one, stop the ServersCheck service and double click on the monitoring_thread2.exe

    After startup, what output is generated?
  • hmcollegehmcollege
    there a way to pauze all monitors at once? manually pauze all 200+ monitors is 1: time consuming and 2: not done in a production environment..but ófcourse i'm willing to give it a try tough.

    but is there a way to pauze them all at once?


  • hmcollegehmcollege
    update; i did pauze all checks and ran the monitoring_thread2.exe and there are no checks being executed.

    i then upauzed 1 ping check to see what kind of activity should be shown, and that worked.

    then i pauzed the file check monitor and unpauzed it but nothing happens.

  • hmcollegehmcollege
    still not working...
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Please send us the output as requested so that we can see what it is doing. Alternatively provide remote access to the box so that we can have a look.

    The check was simulated in our test environment and working fine.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    An issue has been detected and rectified in 8.2.3 that could also address the problem reported here. 8.2.3 is available for download
  • hmcollegehmcollege
    thank you, indeed it does work in the latest version.

This discussion has been closed.