Sending message thru SMTP server

we are unable to send message through SMTP server. We are always getting an "error" response...please advise..thanks!


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The error message is not sufficient. Assuming you are running release 8.0.8. If not, then download the trial version of 8.0.8 and see if that solves the issue.

    Please do following if it still fails on 8.0.8:

    1) Stop the web server

    2) Run the webserver in debug mode ( )

    3) Reply with the output generated

  • mariannemarianne
    thanks! we will try that tomorrow as we already left the site where we were having this problem..we will get back to you tomorrow.
  • mariannemarianne
    We have tried the troubleshooting procedure you have provided us bu we still have this error response.


    # Data sending failed

    # Mon Apr 12 10:44:18 2010 file error.log cleaned

    # Mon Apr 12 10:44:18 2010 file events.log cleaned

    # Mon Apr 12 10:44:18 2010 file master.log cleaned

    # Mon Apr 12 10:44:18 2010 file s-restart.exewatcher.log cleaned

    # Mon Apr 12 10:44:18 2010 file test.log cleaned


    # ServersCheck Web Server

    # BUSINESS 50 Edition


    # Number of monitors allowed: 50


    # Installed on - SAI-DCMON

    # License validation failed: 500 Server closed connection without sending any data back


    # Loading language file: EN.lang

    # version 8.0.4



    # (c) Copyright 2003-2009 - ServersCheck BVBA





    # Mon Apr 12 10:44:23 2010 Reading conf file completed



    # Start: Mon Apr 12 10:44:22 2010 - End: Mon Apr 12 10:44:23 2010


    # Configuration server ready, serving on port "1272"...


  • mariannemarianne
    SERVER OUTPUT is as follows:

    # Env:C:WINDOWS

    # Enabling HTTP Server

    -please advise-
  • mariannemarianne
    # Env:C:WINDOWS

    # Enabling HTTP Server

    Can't call method "mail" on an undefined value at line 16073.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Have yoiu set all values of the mail server? Try using the open mail relay server from your ISP
  • mariannemarianne
    Thanks! We tried it also and we got this error:

    "Could not send mail through SMTP server".

    Any other solutions?
  • mariannemarianne
    Moreover, the software is not running on the normal mode. It only runs in the debug mode. Please advise.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Is there any firewall or antivirus software running?
  • mariannemarianne
    firewall and antivirus software are disabled..
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Kindly log a support ticket with the helpdesk (see instructions in the email with your license file) and they can remotely connect to your system to verify.
  • mariannemarianne
    the problem seems to come from the outgoing mail server (built-in in the software)...because when we are making the test, it fails and the software hangs and gives out the "page cannot be displayed" message..moreover, we already sent an email to helpdesk..please advise!..thanks!
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Issue solved - customer had MacAfee still running causing the emails to be blocked.

    If you run AV software then make sure that all ServersCheck components are allowed to use the network. If you are unsure on how to set this, then check with your AV software vendor.
  • mariannemarianne
    thank you very much!! now everything is working perfectly...c",)
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