ServersCheck Monitor error - can’t logon


I restarted our Serverscheck monitor and when it starts to boot up I get this error message.

"A disk read error occured. Insert a system diskette and restart the system."

I sent a ticked to support and I am still waiting for a response. Can anyone please help me?




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    You have probably done an incorrect shutdown and damaged the hard disk.

    You will need to reset the image on the hard disk to factory default.

    Assuming you don't have backup's of your configuration, then following might help.

    If just the MBR is damaged, then you should be able to recover your configuration data using PuppyLinux. Puppylinux can be installed on a USB stick on booted from there using this app:
  • JennaJenna
    Thanks - I will try that. I don't see how going to start and choosing shut down could have dammaged the disk this worries me a bit since we haven't even had the server for a year yet.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Through a remote desktop session, such an option is not available. There must have been an action causing a damage to the hard disk like it can happen with any regular PC.
  • JennaJenna
    That is what did it - we would connect remotley and restart it that way. It is still okay to connect remotely, correct? So I am happy to say that we followed the instruction you provided and everything is back up and working great. Thanks for your help!

    - Jenna
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Yes connecting remotely isn't an issue; doing a power off/power on may damage the hard disk
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