Windows Access Denied

I would like to know what fixed your problem. I am getting the exact same error and nothing on the forum has helped me fix it so far. Any help is greatly appriciated.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Post has been moved to give a greater chance at being read.

    The error is a security setting on your Windows network that doesn't allow remote systems to query the to be monitored system. It is an error message returned by Microsoft and independent from ServersCheck.

    Access is denied is in most cases due to the fact that the 2 ServersCheck services (Webserver & Monitoring Service) are not running under an Administrator account:

    If you have done that and if you are sure that it is an Administrator account with local service rights, then make sure that the remote system allows for inbound connections. Typically this a RPC Server error and then it moves towards Access Denied. Following might help you:
  • I have tried both of those and still no luck. Any other suggestions? It just keeps returning the error "Access is Denied" and the value returned is "0".

    - Jenna
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    1. Both the web server service and monitoring service are running under a Windows system Administrator account?

    2. There is no firewall between the ServersCheck host and the system being monitored?

    3. The user account used to connect to the remote system has remote login rights based on your Windows security policy?

  • Alright I was able to get rid of that error but now I am getting "The RPC server is unavailable". I have taken a look at suggested error solutions and I have made sure I have enabled Allow Remote Admin Exception and that the ports are open. Is there anything else I can be missing?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Can you clarify how you were able to get rid of the error? Sharing this would help other users reading the forum.

    In respect to the RPC server issue, here is a checklist that should help you:

    1. Is the "Server" service running on the remote host?

    2. Is the "Server" service tied to the interface (network card) on which the requests arrive from ServersCheck? In Windows 2000/2003 or XP you can check this by verifying if the "Client for Microsoft Networks" is available for that network connection. If not, then click the Install button to add it.

    3. Is TCP/UDP Port 139 open between ServersCheck and remote host?

    4. Is TCP Port 445 open between ServersCheck and remote host?

    5. Is NETBIOS enabled on computer running ServersCheck?

    6. Is NETBIOS enabled on remote host?

    7. Does the remote host have more than one IP address? The IP address being called by ServersCheck needs to be the first one configured on the remote host. See;en-us;Q131641 for more information.

    8. If the above do not resolve the issue, then try following article from Microsoft:;en-us;Q224370
  • I have already taken a look at steps 1-7 and the link for step 8 doesn't seem to work properly.

    - Jenna
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Ok it seems that Microsoft has taken that knowledge base article offline.

    RPC server is unavailable can also be caused when your Audit Log is full:
  • Our audit log overwrites when it needs to
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Can you empty the audit log after archiving it? Just to make sure...

    If that doesn't work and assuming you are running Windows 2003, then try this:

  • Still no luck and the computer I am having an issue with is running XP.

    - Jenna
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    So it is just one system giving you the access denied error; all other works or none works?
  • It is two xp machines but we have had no issues with any other computers/servers. We are getting the same error for one machine but it keeps fixing itself. We get a down almost every hour but it comes back up in about 15min.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Try running following from Microsoft:

    If that still doesn't work, then try out this new Wiki article we created:
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    What is running on the XP box? Is there a process running take all CPU or locking the system?
This discussion has been closed.