Double Text Messages

When I have a server that goes down, I get a downed text message like I want to. When that same server comes back up, I get two Ok messages. I cannot figure out why, normally it wouldn't bother me but it happens all the time.

Is there a quick fix for this?

Im running Serverscheck 7.15.10




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Assuming it is caused by the software and not an issue on the mobile operator's end, it can come from 2 sources:

    - monitoring_thread2.exe triggering the alert

    - s-alerts.exe which executes the alert

    You can run both in debug mode as detailed on the knowledge base site:

    Best is to stop all monitors but that one and then simulate an error and let it come back up again. This will avoid flooding of your debug log file.
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