serverscheck.conf to excel


we want to have an excel sheet where we can see what checks we have in serverscheck and what they are checking. so i have copied serverscheck.conf and tried to import it to excel. i have used this "|" as delimiter but dont get a clean and struktured dataset. what can i do? i realy anly whanna know what checks we have and what URL they are checking and tho what emails the notifications are going to.

please help, with more than 1000 checks its difficult to do that by hand.




  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Delimiter is |X|
  • rene04rene04
    so i cant use this delimiter in excel on import. i can only use 1 letter!

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Here is what I would then:

    - copy content in a new file

    - do a replace of |X| with for example ~

    - use ~ as a delimiter

  • rene04rene04
    ok, thanks a lot.

    regards, rene04
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