Need Solution

edited May 2009 in InfraSensing Sensors
i test temperature and Humidity sensor in Debugging Mode. This is my status

Device Model = Temperature/Humidity Sensor

Device Status = Normal

Firmware Version = 5.00

Number of variables = 5

Variable 1: HUMIDITY (1 % RESOLUTION) 25 % RH

Variable 2: HUMIDITY (0.1 % RESOLUTION) 24.5 % RH


Variable 4: TEMPERATURE (0.1 C RESOLUTION) 29.9 C

Variable 5: HASH ID 46950

Humidity is 25% into the rack.

I try to test that Humidity outside and it increase 58%.i think that isn't right.Into the rack is much more Humidity than outside.How could this happen.


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The temperature is way too high for a server room. 29.9°C is too much - machines are running hot.

    25% Humidity is too low as it should be between 45% to 65%

    Environmental parameters may vary from location to location. For example if hot air is constantly blown then humidity can decrease to a level where it is too low for being safe.
  • monkeyheadmonkeyhead
    What is the(HASH ID,Number of variables,Firmware version).where can i check this 3 in serverscheck software.
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