Access is Denied

I keep on getting two error messages on a few pc's i want to monitor on my network 1. "Error: Windows scanning could not be performed. Connection denied to . Make sure that the username and password are correct." - What password are they wanting. i have tried workstation admin password and a second and third users name and password and 2. "SNMP call failed. To allow this type of check, SNMP must be enabled on the remote host." . Can any one please help me


  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Access denied means often that the remote system doesn't grant access to ServersCheck. In following KB article there some additional info.

    SNMP must be running on the remote system you want to monitor. If it is not running, then it's not able to make a SNMP contact with the remote host.
  • jgombertjgombert
    I followed the steps in the Article you recommended and still the Windows Xp machine says access denied - What account should i use to give the access.

    And the Vista machine i installed SNMP on the machine i restarted it and still i get both the errors on the Vista pc.

    My Network has no domain controller , just a basic network with 6 pc's and Adsl router for internet access.

  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The account under which the service runs needs to be an Admin account and the admin account specified in the monitor settings needs to have admin rights on the system being monitored.

    Verify firewall settings

    ServersCheck does not provide support for the remote systems being monitored. If the issue persists, then you should contact tech support of the remote equipment being monitored to resolve the issue.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    For the WMI you can also try this:

    go to control panel -> administrative tool

    --> computer managemnt

    under computer managment -->local users and groups -->groups -->click on administrator

    administrator -->select users

    select users -->click on advanced amd click find now

    first select local service from RDN and click ok it will add in select users and click ok and finally it will add it in administator group member llist

    second select network service and add it to administator group member list
  • AdministratorAdministrator
  • jgombertjgombert
    That was the exact same website i used yesterday to setup the SNMP on Vista.

    I tried the add the services to the Admin group and still i get "windows scanning could not be performed"

    Will restart pc and try again . will let you know

    Thanks for all the help so far
  • jgombertjgombert
    HELP - Still no luck i still get connection denied. when scanning device
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    When scanning device it doesn't use credentials. Did you try adding a monitor to the device instead of scanning. When the credentials under which the service runs are different from the admin account on the remote system, then this is absolutely normal.
  • jgombertjgombert
    I added the windows health monitor for my Laptop and still no access.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Set Admin account on all PC's the same as the one used for the ServersCheck Monitoring Service (assuming you did let it run under a system admin account).

    If that still doesn't work, then WMI is the issue and not the accounts themselves.
  • monkeyheadmonkeyhead
    Hello Jgombert,

    i have this problem.Serverscheck have no solution for Access Denied.
  • monkeyheadmonkeyhead
    Hello Jgombert,

    i have this same problem too. I thought that serverscheck have no solution for Access Denied Error.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    If WMI and RPC are all set OK and no firewall is used then the issue are your username and passwords:

    1/ ServersCheck Services need to run under a Windows Admin Account

    2/ Username and password provided to monitor the remote system needs to have local admin rights on that remote system
  • CVWarehouseCVWarehouse
    don't know if this is relevant, but:

    for remote windows tests such as service checks or windowshealth, don't forget to input the domain, computername or ip in the username:

    domainusername, computernameusername or

    if you do this, it doesn't matter what service runs the serverscheck service (though i don't use every type of test, so some tests might require it). of course, YMMV...

    also check the Windows User Credentials section under 'Manage'. make sure you don't have a bunch of duplicate entries from testing (potentially with other usernames & passwords). i've found it to be a best practise to first input any windows credentials that you might want to use using Manage -> Windows User Credentials, and not simply adding them while using the monitor creation wizard.

    you might also want to check the .conf files for potential duplicate entries or corrupted structure.

    (the above is true for XP, we do not run Vista)
  • jgombertjgombert
    Does anything have to be installed on the remote pc i want to monitor? , i am still getting Access denied errors on all pcs i try and add health monitor for.
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service should be running. WMI uses underlying RPC protocol and as a result firewall ports need to be open as per manual (

    Here are a few Microsoft links on this topic:
  • jgombertjgombert
    I have Made Shore all security is correct , i opened ports on firewall , checked if services are running on pcs to be monitored and still i am getting Access Denied on ALL my Machines. I am almost on the verge of reloading a pc to see it that helps.

    Any more Ideas Please!!
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Try running Microsoft's WMI Diagnosis Utility
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    Another way to test WMI:

    Start wbemtest, select Windows -> Run When prompted for the Command to run, enter wbemtest.

    When the dialog appears, select "Connect". You can point wbemtest to your computer. For the local machine, change the Namespace from rootdefault to rootcimv2. For a different host, prefix with host, for example Server1rootcimv2. Enter in User and Password information, as needed to access the remote system.

    An example query you can use to test the connection is to list all of the windows services:

    select * from Win32_Service
  • monkeyheadmonkeyhead
    Try this one

    In the User Credentials add the user just like this...

    Username=Computer nameUsername


    I try this one and i fix my problem

    SNMP error

    Try this one....
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