Device Scanning Errors

When I run a Device Scan, I always receive two errors.

Windows Checks - Connection denied. Make sure user name and password are correct. (They are correct)

Bandwidth Monitor - SNMP call failed. SNMP must be enabled on remote host. (Firewall is not enable on device)

I am using ServerCheck Monitoring 7.1.2

Can anyone help me resolve the issue?


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User]
    I am having the same problem using a trial version of 7.12.2.

    A corollary effect of these errors seems to be the inability to monitor other Windows systems using the Windows monitors. WINDOWSHEALTH, DRIVESPACE, SERVICES, etc - they all fail on an "Access Denied" error.

    I've spent a goodly number of hours researching this problem, but Windows administration is not my forte. I'm getting lost in the vortex of WMI and DCOM.

    The external systems in question that I wish to monitor are all Windows Server 2003 SP2 and Windows XP SP2/SP3 (32-bit for all).

    Please can someone help?
  • AdministratorAdministrator
    The issue is that ServersCheck is unable to connect to the remote machine as it refuses connections.

    The credentials under which the service runs and the credentials defined in the monitors need to have admin rights on the external systems you would like to monitor.

    If above does not work, then following might apply to you:
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